Rebar friction welding

14 November 2014

During the November of 2014 several samples of reinforcement bars with diameter of 36 mm from 35GS steel were welded on the friction welding machine PST-20T which was designed and manufactured in KTIAM LLC. Tests showed that durability of joint exceeds the durability of the basic metal, and disruption of bars occurred on the significant distance from heat-affected zone. (Protocol №1549 from 06.11.14 of laboratory ООО PO«KSMI»). Read more

Friction welding of work-pieces of cutters for planing machines

12 August 2014

KTIAM LLC has developed a technology of friction welding of work-pieces of planing cutters with wide cross-section. The work-piece is welded of two parts: the working part – high-speed steel and holder – steel 45. This combination of materials makes it possible to couple high wear resistance, toughness and red-hardness of the cutting part and the viscosity of the holder, at the same time that significantly reduces the cost of the instrument. You can find video of the process of welding and photographs of the work-pieces below.

More detailed information about the technologies of friction welding is presented in the article. friction welding of high-speed steels with construction steels

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INNOPROM-2014 – Outcomes

7 August 2014

иннопрмFifth jubilee international exhibition INNOPROM finished at 16:00 on the 12 of July in Yekaterinburg. Official operator of INNOPROM – Group of companies “Formica” has announced the major outcomes of the exhibition.

There were 600 companies from 70 countries around the World participating in the exhibition and the forum. 46 000 of unique visitors were indicated during the 4 days of exhibition.


 Director of KTIAM LLC Propp Valeriy Alfredovich

During the exhibition INNOPROM-2014 19 major contracts worth six billion rubles were signed.  Read more

Invitation on the INNOPROM-2014 exhibition

1 July 2014

Dear visitors, we invite you to attend the main production exhibition of Russia – INNOPROM-2014. Our company will be presented on the stand 1F12 in the first pavilion.

Exhibition will be devoted to high-technologies, materials and solutions, that facilitate the growth of production efficiency and competitiveness of production companies. It will primarily focus on the cooperation between companies that offers solutions for modernization of production facilities as well as technologies that increase the efficiency of production processes, making it more advanced and environmentally friendly at the same time.

You can purchase a ticket using the following link:

Иннопром-2014 Kind Regards!

Technology platform “Materials and metallurgic technologies”

24 June 2014

Момент сваркиKTIAM LLC became a member of the Technological platform “Materials and metallurgic technologies”. The aim of our membership in the Technological platform is to facilitate the penetration of friction welding in machining and metal industries. Friction welding allows to create a nonbreakable joint of high durability of homogeneous and heterogeneous metals and alloys. Besides, that allows to increase efficiency and productivity.

Technology platform “Materials and metallurgic technologies” is a mechanism of effective collaboration of industrial and national interests of Russian Federation which is based on government-private cooperation principles with a widened attraction of state, business and social organizations in decision making process. The decisions a platform is involved in refer to determination of R&D priorities in different perspective economic, scientific, technological or design projects, with regards to temporary financial means, and implementation of these projects. Read more

“Neftegaz-2014” exhibition invitation

15 May 2014

KTIAM LLC invites every interested person to visit our stand on the fifteenth international exhibition NEFTEGAZ-2014, that will be held in Moscow, in the CVK “Expocenter” form 26 to 29 of May 2014.

План выставки

Our stand under the number 3G65 will be located in the 3rd pavilion.

KTIAM is awarded with a silver medal at the innovation exhibition Archimedes-2014

10 April 2014

KTIAM LLC has taken part in XVII Moscow international invention and innovation technologies salon – “Archimedes-2014” in the composition of Chelyabinsk area delegation.

Архимед2014 дипломArchimedes salon is traditionally held with the help of Moscow government, World Intellectual Property Organization, Federal Service for Intellectual Property, Chamber of Commerce of Russian Federation and Russian society of inventors and rationalists.

There are 42 regions of Russian Federation and representatives of 17 countries taking part in the Exhibition. Those countries include United Kingdom, Taiwan, Malaysia, Korea, Ecuador, Iran, Serbia, Croatia, Romania, Qatar, Bahrein, Kazakhstan, Poland, Ukraine, Moldova, Belarus, Georgia.

There are 750 projects from different fields of science and technology taking part in the Archimedes salon.

All the projects were approved by the expert-specialists of Federal institute of production property.
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